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Headache Cures

Headache Medications

Esgic Plus
Esgic Plus is a sedative used for mild to moderate headache relief and complex tension (muscle contraction) headaches. Esgic is used to constrict dilated blood vessels that may contribute to tension headaches.

Fioricet (Butalbital) Fioricet is a non-narcotic pain killer and relaxant. Relieves complex tension (muscle contraction) headaches through a barbiturate sedative (Butalbital) mixed with a non-aspirin pain medication (acetaminophen) and caffeine.

Imitrex headache medication targets the nerves and blood vessels that trigger throbbing pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Imitrex causes vasoconstriction (narrowing) of arteries and veins that supply blood to the head.

Headache Relief Methods

Stop Chronic Headache Pain
Are you suffering from constant headaches? Headaches are a common ailment, but research has uncovered treatments that may help your problem almost disappear.

Curing Migraine and Headaches the Natural Way
Opposite to what you have probably heard, all headaches are actually a form of migraine. Headaches and migraine are caused by the same things and therefore the same methods will work to get rid of "regular headaches" as permanently curing your migraine.

Chronic Headaches - Tips to Stop the Pain
Are you suffering from constant headaches? Headaches are a common ailment, but research has uncovered treatments that may help your problem almost disappear.

A nutritional approach to treating migraine
If you, or someone you love, is a migraine sufferer, you'll know the devastating effect this agonising affliction can have on the whole family - not just the sufferer. Perhaps you've tried most of the conventional ways to banish migraine from your life. Unfortunately only a third of sufferers are fully satisfied with conventional management. The side-effects of certain drugs can be as worrying as the problems they aim to treat. Many people are looking for drug-free solutions, and nutritional therapy has much to offer.

5 Home Treatment Methods To Relieve Migraine Headaches!
Most people just take a pain pill, but how safe is that? If you are worried about taking potentially dangerous medications for your migraine headaches maybe you should try one of the many safe and effective natural approaches that are available today.

Migraine Headaches - Is Relief Without Drugs Possible?
Tired of taking potentially harmful drugs for your migraine headaches? Wanting to discover a cheap and natural solution to your pain? There are many different migraine headache treatments available today that are both safe and effective.

Can Botox Prevent Headaches?
Most people are unaware that the use of Botox for the prevention of migraine headaches came about purely by accident. It all happened through the use of Botox by plastic surgeons. Patients undergoing plastic surgery, who were also experiencing headaches, noticed that their injections of Botox helped with their migraine headaches.
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